None of these categories stand by themselves because they are all dependent on one another in my head, but it is the easiest way to make sense of what my expectations are. Here they are in no particular order:
Growth with the Lord
Serving others
Like I said in a previous blog, from a young age I’ve loved to help others. I’ve known since I was little that anything I did in life for an extended period of time would have to involve this. So I expect to serve others. South Africans, Swazis, Mozambicans, Batswana, my team mates alike. I don’t know what it will look like but as long as I am helping people and being God’s hands and feet, its fine by me.
I’ve been warned HIV/AIDS probably isn’t as big of our ministry as I would like it be, but I also would like it to be all that we do besides spending time with the Lord. I don’t remember the first time I heard about AIDS, maybe it was when Ryan White died, or when I first saw Philadelphia, or when I saw something on the news and asked my parents what it was. My generation really hasn’t known a world in which the disease didn’t exist; I mean Rock Hudson died a few weeks after I was born (for my mom she said that his death was the first time it became real to her). Slowly over the years I have gained knowledge about the disease and empathy for those suffering with its horrible effects. All I can really offer is prayer, my limited knowledge, awareness through this blog, and another pair of hands to help hold and show love to others.
I expect to make some life-long friendships with not only my fellow team members but with South Africans and the people of Swaziland or Mozambique as well. I’m excited to get to know the rest of my team members and discover my role in our lives together. I’ve seen the way that God brings together people when they are serving him even for a short amount of time. I can only imagine what will happen when serving together for nine months. Also I’m a realist; I realize that living in such close proximity to other people for a long amount of time can sometimes bring out the worst in people. But at the same time I believe that if the Lord is in a community as strongly as I pray He will be in ours then there is nothing we can’t get through.
Vision for the future (after Africa)