We were asked to write a blog about our expectations of this trip. It took
me a while to understand that the purpose
of this blog is not to accurately predict what will take place on a trip like
this. I hope for His hopes to increasingly
become mine as well. And if it is increasing, I am aware that what is written
here could become obsolete in a short amount of time.
I am sure of the
vague —
that God will be faithful and provisional, powerful and holy,
and mysterious,
our source
of strength and compassion and love that is extended to those around
us. I beg for us to be fully and delightfully surrendered to Him, letting Him live His life through
us and resilient to the opposition we will face from our
skilled and deceitful enemy.
I am unsure,
however, of the specifics.
My heart thrives when I think of the things I
will share in the coming year. I so want to know Him! Theprocess is my purpose and my delight.
I will
write what I have written here already — that He is faithful and just,
and merciful,
full of love and more intimate than any human was made to
indeed is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
I pray that the things He does will
cause us to stand in awe of Him. I hope to be driven deeper
into His heart, His Word, His compassion, His Kingdom.
I may be
and bruised.
(Ezekiel 22:30, 2 Chronicles 16:9, Philippians 1:20-29, 1 Peter 4:1-2.)
But if that’s what
it takes for
to accomplish His purposes through me, then so be it! It is well worth
with suffering,
I believe there will be times when I overflow His joy and peace,
cry tears of awe, praise Him with a glad heart,
and many, many other things.
All that is within
me is abundantly overjoyed that God would have
me be a part of this.
And even
if this trip turns out to be less delightful than my anticipations, I can
learn what it means to “offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving.”
I can be comforted by Him and content simply because His grace is sufficient.He’s
got me covered!!
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today,
and forever.
So let
us praise Him NOW according to who He
is — who
was to David and Solomon, to Paul and Peter, and who He will be when we see
Him as He is — no matter what He does or doesn’t do, regardless of what He
gives or takes away.
God is Good.
Stay tuned for details.